Why Eat Vegan?

What you choose to put in your mouth is important! But if you’re reading this you probably already know that to be true. I have personally had a varied diet my entire life. I was raise with the mantra, “Moderation in all things.” This middle of the road approach is a good strategy, but now that I’m an adult I’ve been searching for the best ways to feed my family. This search has led us to try versions of the Paleo diet and soft core Keto type diets as well as low fat meals.

This is now the second time that we’ve attempted a vegan lifestyle. The first was twelve years ago, but at the time we had no real direction or purpose to our experiment. This time around we were already heavily committed to low/no carb eating when we stumbled across “The Game Changers” on Netflix. It’s really interesting and gives you examples of ways that eating vegan can help your body. I’d recommend checking it out if you’re an athlete or fitness buff on the fence about cutting out animal products.

I can say with certainty, after making the switch myself, that eating an animal protein rich, low carb diet is not good for your body. My family is very pro fitness. I workout five days a week doing a variety of heavy weight lifting, cardio, and hiit style workouts. Because of this, I worry about the my diet. Tons of fitness “experts” tell you to EAT MEAT when you’re building muscle, however when I made the switch to vegan I felt 100% better within 24 hours! My husband described the change as feeling “lighter” and it’s as good a description as any. Within a week I noticed my energy levels were up, I was no longer feeling bloated (so I felt and looked skinnier!) and I was eating more food, not less!

I would definitely recommend giving this lifestyle a try. It can be hard, but I think you owe it to your body!